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Rwanda + 3 more

WFP Rwanda Country Brief, October 2024


In Numbers

161,665 people reached in October 2024

USD 706,966 cash-based transfers (CBT) distributed

USD 10.7 million six months (Nov. 2024 – April 2025) net funding requirements, representing 41 percent of total annual requirements

302.446 MT of food distributed

Strategic Updates

• WFP, along with FAO and IFAD, supported MINAGRI to co-host Food Systems Dialogues to launch an implementation plan for the new Strategic Plan for Agricultural Transformation (PSTA5), which aims to adopt a food systems approach to livelihoods, healthy diets, and inclusive growth.

• WFP joined MINAGRI, FAO, and partners in Nyamasheke District on 25 October to celebrate World Food Day under the theme "Right to Food for a Better Life and Future." The event featured a nutritionfocused exhibition, and fruit tree planting, as part of a month-long campaign to raise awareness of healthy and nutritious diets.

• WFP, FAO, IFAD, and UN Women, in collaboration with district officials and participants from the Joint Programme on Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment (JP RWEE), celebrated the International Day of Rural Women in Gisagara District. This event highlighted the participants’ achievements in gender equality, economic empowerment, and improved livelihoods, and they were provided with labour-saving startups to enhance their agricultural productivity and economic resilience.

• WFP partnered with the Ministry in Charge of Emergency Management (MINEMA), to participate in the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDRR) celebration in Rubavu District. This event featured Umuganda, a monthly community service initiative, which aimed at mobilizing residents and raising awareness about the critical importance of DRR.

• On 27 September 2024, the Ministry of Health confirmed an outbreak of the Marburg virus disease. By October, there were 66 confirmed cases, 15 deaths reported, and 49 recoveries. WFP is monitoring the situation and collaborating with WHO to provide logistic support to the Government for the transport and delivery of essential medical supplies.