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Rwanda + 3 more

WFP Rwanda Country Brief, November 2024


In Numbers

  • 172,363 people reached in November 2024

  • USD 722,891 cash-based transfers (CBT) distributed

  • USD 9.5 million six months (Dec. 2024 – May 2025) net funding requirements

  • 296.17 mt of food distributed

Strategic Updates

  • WFP Rwanda hosted the WFP Executive Board visit from 25-29 November 2024. The visit showcased WFP's contributions to Rwanda's Vision 2050 and the National Strategy for Transformation (NST2). Through a range of integrated programmes, WFP demonstrated its efforts in both humanitarian and development initiatives, including refugee operations, school feeding programmes, support for smallholder farmers, and innovative approaches to strengthening national capacity.

  • On 7 November, the Ministry of Emergency Management, with support from WFP, hosted Rwanda's national Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) conference. The event highlighted significant achievements in DRRM and introduced a new project funded by the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office. It also featured other DRRM Anticipatory Action initiatives under the theme: "Understanding the Root Causes of Disaster Risks in Rwanda: From Policies to Proactive Action."

Refugee operation:

  • To address immediate food and nutrition needs, WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 130,121 people, including 114,010 refugees and registered asylum seekers, 7,470 unregistered asylum seekers, 8,404 host community children attending the same schools as refugee children, and 237 Rwandan returnees who received three months of take-home food assistance in the form of cash transfers.

  • WFP also distributed a total of USD 715,286 enabling targeted refugees and returnees to purchase food of their choice.
    Furthermore, WFP distributed USD 7,605 as school feeding contribution to schools that host refugees and 201.5 mt of food commodities to asylum seekers and households enrolled in nutrition programmes. Additionally, around 10,293 individuals benefitted from Social and Behaviour Change Communication for Nutrition (SBCC-N) interventions.

  • Since November 2022, insecurity in eastern DRC has led to the displacement of an increasing number of individuals. As of November 2024, 15,985 Congolese asylum seekers, along with a small group of Sudanese, have sought refuge in Rwanda.

Climate Resilience

  • From 18-20 November, WFP participated in the Climate Smart Agriculture Investment Plan consultative workshop, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda Green Fund, and the International Finance Corporation, to develop a strategic framework for enhancing climate resilience in agriculture.


  • WFP participated in the National Food, Nutrition, and WASH Technical Working Group meeting, chaired by the National Child Development Agency (NCDA), to discuss ongoing programs addressing stunting in Rwanda. The NCDA announced plans to develop a national action plan for stunting prevention in 2025, in collaboration with key stakeholders.