In Numbers
302.772 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 601,964 cash-based transfers (CBT) made
USD 6.3 million six months (June –Nov 2022) net funding requirements, representing 26 percent of total requirements.
225,741 people assisted in May 2022
In Numbers
302.772 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 601,964 cash-based transfers (CBT) made
USD 6.3 million six months (June –Nov 2022) net funding requirements, representing 26 percent of total requirements.
225,741 people assisted in May 2022
Operational Updates
Refugee Assistance:
• In May, WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 116,764 people, including 106,189 refugees, 400 Rwandan returnees, 3,044 Asylum seekers in transit centers, and 7,131 children from the host communities around the camps attending the same schools with 28,187 refugee children. A total of USD 601,964 transferred to refugees in camps allowed them to purchase food of their choice.
• WFP continued to provide reduced rations due to funding constraints. Refugees classified as highly vulnerable (86 percent of all refugees) received a food ration equivalent to 92 percent of the food basket (RWF 7,000) instead of the 100 percent recommended, while refugees classified as moderately vulnerable (7 percent of refugees) received a food ration of 46 percent of the food basket (RWF 3,500) instead of the 50 percent recommended ration.
Resilient Livelihoods:
• WFP through the resilient livelihoods (Food Assistance for Assets) programme provided cash-based transfers (CBT) worth USD 70,429 to 3,920 participants for their participation in marshland and terracing rehabilitation.
• As of May, 920 hectares of land including radical/progressive terraces and marshland have been rehabilitated since the land rehabilitation started in January 2021.
School Feeding Programme:
• In May, WFP provided meals to 105,063 students in 136 schools.
• WFP in collaboration with the Ministry of Education conducted a National School Feeding Programme Survey across the country to assess best practices and challenges in school feeding. The report, which is due in June 2022, will contribute to updating the school feeding policy and developing a new school feeding financing strategy.
• WFP also supported the data collection on how schools can incorporate the use of fuel-efficient cooking fuels such as briquettes and cooking gas “Liquefied Petroleum Gas” (LPG).
The report is to be disseminated in July 2022.
Nutrition & HIV:
• The Country Office (CO) hosted the Friends of Nutrition Group, members of the WFP’s Executive Board (EB) from 25-28 May 2022. The group’s goal was to understand topical nutrition issues and highlight them to the EB membership.