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Rwanda + 2 more

WFP Rwanda Country Brief, June 2022


In Numbers

  • 291.4 mt of food assistance distributed

  • USD 599,852 cash-based transfers (CBT) made

  • USD 6 million six months (July –Dec 2022) net funding requirements, representing 25 percent of total requirements.

  • 235,334 people assisted in June 2022

Operational Updates

Refugee Assistance:

  • In June 2022, WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 124,798 people under strategic outcome 1, including 116,921 refugees, 200 Rwandan returnees, 546 asylum seekers, and 7,131 Rwandan children from the host communities around the camps attending the same schools with 28,060 refugee children. A total of USD 599,852 cash-based transfers (CBT) was made to refugees in five camps to allow them purchase food of their choice.

  • WFP continued to provide reduced rations due to funding constraints. Refugees classified as highly vulnerable (86 percent of all refugees) received a food ration equivalent to 92 percent of the food basket (RWF 7,000) instead of the 100 percent recommended, while refugees classified as moderately vulnerable (7 percent of refugees) received a food ration of 46 percent of the food basket (RWF 3,500) instead of the 50 percent recommended ration.

Resilient Livelihoods:

  • WFP through the resilient livelihoods programme provided CBT worth USD 74,786 to 3,897 participants in June 2022 as renumeration for their participation in marshland and terracing rehabilitation.

  • A steering committee meeting with Rutsiro District office was held on 23 June to share the Sustainable Market Alliance and Assets creation for Resilient Communities and Gender Transformation (SMART) project updates and discuss more coherent collaboration in implementing SMART project. A field visit to Bitenga marshland followed the meeting to monitor the irrigation system. WFP implements project in close collaboration with the local administration.

School Feeding Programme:

  • In June 2022, WFP continued to provide meals to 106,639 students in 136 schools across seven districts. WFP also continued to work with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Trade and Industry as well as the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Source to analyse the National School Feeding Programme Survey, National Market Assessment and FuelEfficient Study data which were collected in June 2022. Reports for these three assessments will be finalized in August and September.

  • A WFP delegation from HQ and RBN, led by Carmen Burbano (Director of School Feeding) and Mutinta Hambayi (Head of School Based Programmes, Regional Bureau for Eastern Africa - RBN), visited Rwanda to discuss future priorities for the school feeding programme in the country.

Nutrition & HIV:

  • WFP and partners implementing HIV programmes in refugee camps conducted psychosocial retreats in all the refugee camps, reaching 250 refugees (169 females and 61 males).
    The target groups were people living with HIV (PLHIV) and Health professionals providing HIV services. The aim of the retreat was to sensitize refugees living with HIV against internalized stigma.

Smallholder Agricultural Market Support:

  • A team from WFP Rwanda was one of eight teams selected to participate in the WFP Innovation Accelerator Bootcamp. The project, ‘Rebug 2 Debug’, harnesses the Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) to bio-convert heavily aflatoxin-infected maize into two commercial products: high nitrogen fertilizer and animal feeds. The weeklong bootcamp consisted of team coaching, expert mentor sessions, and business plan development and ended with a global pitch event on 30 June.

  • WFP Rwanda participated in the Regional Innovation Workshop in Kampala, Uganda to strengthen the regional innovation network, share knowledge and best practices, and discuss joint priorities with the East Africa innovation Hub, the RBN, Country Offices, and innovation and knowledge accelerator (INKA).