In Numbers
229.25 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 711,825 cash-based transfers (CBT) made
USD 6.1 million six months (May – Oct 2022) net funding requirements, representing 24 percent of total requirements.
237,167 people assisted in April 2022
Operational Updates
Refugee Assistance:
• In April 2022, WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 111,839 people, including 106,939 refugees, 300 Rwandan returnees hosted in transit centres, 17 Burundian asylum seekers and 4,583 children from the host communities attending same schools as refugee children.
• WFP continued to provide reduced general food assistance rations to camp-based refugees due to funding constraints, prioritizing refugees classified as highly vulnerable (86 percent of all refugees), providing them with 92 percent of the rations against their entitlement of 100 percent. Refugees classified as moderately vulnerable (7 percent of all refugees) received 46 percent of their food basket entitlement instead of the 50 percent recommended.
Resilient Livelihoods:
• Through the resilient livelihoods programme, WFP provided CBT USD 72,271 to 4,246 participants in April 2022 for their participation in marshland and terracing rehabilitation. As a result, maize harvest increased from 4.2 mt to 6.2 mt per hectare in Agatobwe marshland southern in Rwanda.
• WFP also conducted capacity strengthening activities targeting smallholder farmers, helping them increase production through improving farming skills and learning about agricultural technologies.
Nutrition & HIV:
• WFP received USD 72,000 from the Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework (UBRAF) to support the Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC) to conduct HIV-related activities on HIV-sensitive social protection, HIV prevention among school children and addressing stigma and discrimination among refugees.
• WFP and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) colead the HIV-sensitive social protection pillar under the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) Division of Labour. WFP Rwanda Country Office, through the Regional Bureau has established strategic partnership with ILO at the regional level to contribute to a successful HIV-sensitive social protection assessment. The findings will be discussed in the planned 2023 policy dialogues with relevant Government entities and other stakeholders. The assessment aims to support the Government on its advocacy efforts.
School Feeding programme:
• In April, schools reopened for the third and last school term of the academic year. During this period, WFP provided daily school meals to approximately 9,880 preprimary and 96,759 primary students in 136 schools across 7 districts within its Home-Grown School Feeding (HGSF) Programme.
• WFP and Sight and Life, an international non-governmental organization, have been supporting the National Child Development Agency (NCDA) to prepare for the launch of Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Business Network (SBN) in Rwanda. SBN seeks to strengthen private sector participation to enhance nutrition. The launch event is planned for early June 2022.
Smallholder Agricultural Market Support:
• With WFP’s support in developing local food value chain, smallholder farmer organisations sold around 12,100 mt of maize and beans valued USD 3.8 million to local buyers.
• WFP is piloting a digital initiative known as “Farm 2 Go application” collecting demographic and aggregate data at the individual farmer level. The application enhances the visibility of the individual farmer at local level and ultimately optimizes operational decision-making through information sharing.