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Rwanda + 1 more

UNICEF Rwanda Humanitarian Situation Report - Burundi Refugees, 30 September 2016



  • The number of Burundian refugees in Rwanda has increased to 81,775, with about 50,519 refugees living in Mahama camp, making it the largest refugee camp in Rwanda.

  • World Breastfeeding Week was celebrated in August. Orientation on the benefits of early and timely breastfeeding for community health workers and mother leaders was conducted.

  • Incidences of Malaria have reduced recently due to the distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets. However, upper respiratory tract infection remains the major cause of morbidity in Mahama camp with 8 deaths of children under-5 reported between July and August 2016.

  • Water provision in Mahama camp has consistently exceeded the minimum standards by providing 20 litres/person/day. Construction of additional sanitation facilities is ongoing.

  • Over 8,000 children have been reached with recreational activities and psychosocial support this year.

  • To date, 19,422 Burundian refugee learners are enrolled in grades P1-S6, fully integrated into the Rwandan national education system. A shortage of teaching and learning materials and the capacity to deliver quality teaching remain key challenges.

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

According to the Government of Rwanda and UNHCR statistics, as of 22 September, 81,775 Burundian refugees are in Rwanda, with 50,519 registered in Mahama Camp. The remaining refugees are in reception centres (approximately 1,500) or in Kigali and other urban areas (29,755). Urban refugees are increasingly requesting to be relocated to the camp due to the high cost of city living.

The political situation in Burundi has not changed and there continue to be reports of human rights violations.

The Burundian government is requesting that Burundi refugees return to the country, but many feel that the conditions in Burundi are not safe for them to return.