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Rwanda + 1 more

UNICEF Rwanda Humanitarian Situation Report, 30 January 2016



• Since December, the total number of Burundian refugees in Rwanda remained stable, with a limited number of new arrivals. Almost 46,000 refugees are living in Mahama camp.

• The typhoid outbreak is under control, with effective health and WASH response resulting in a stabilization of cases at a low level; a total of 13 typhoid cases have been confirmed to date.

• The nutrition situation among children under five years continues to improve in Mahama refugee camp. The findings of the latest screening exercise indicate a reduced prevalence of 5.0% (4.5 % and 0.5% moderate and severe acute malnutrition respectively).

• Water provision in Mahama camp remained stable in January, exceeding minimum standards of 15 litres/day/person. Construction of durable sanitation facilities is ongoing to serve the refugees who might stay in the camp for a longer period.

• The high number of unaccompanied minors and child-headed households throughout the camp receive support from parasocial workers and child protection mobilizers, who conduct an average of 2,000 home visits per week.

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

According to the Government of Rwanda, as of 28 January 2016 the number of Burundian refugees had reached 72,027, with 45,644 registered in Mahama Camp. The remaining refugees (approximately 26,000) are in Kigali and other urban areas. The total number of refugees in Rwanda has not significantly increased since December, with UNHCR continuing to register a small daily number of new arrivals from Burundi.

Refugees continue to report grave human rights violations in Burundi and great difficulty leaving.
In Mahama camp, the transition from tents to semi-permanent shelters continued during the reporting period. From 11-15 January, 4,462 persons were allocated to semi-permanent shelters and they are currently plastering their houses. Cumulatively, 5,965 individuals have been allocated semi-permanent dwellings. A total of 12,000 refugees are expected to occupy 1,200 semi-permanent shelters before the end of the month.

In January, the provision of clean water to approximately 46,000 refugees in Mahama camp and reception centres has improved to 20 litres/person/day, exceeding the minimum standards.
During the reporting period 37 children were admitted in the outpatient therapeutic feeding programme (OTP) and 18 in the inpatient malnutrition unit (IMU) in Kirehe district hospital. As of 24 January 2016 the cumulative number enrolled for SAM treatment was 667, of which 480 have been discharged as treated to date. The total number of children with SAM currently receiving treatment is 63.

During the reporting period, the typhoid outbreak was effectively managed and contained, and the number of cases stabilized at a low level (13 cases confirmed, 2 deaths). UNICEF-supported immunization activities, including polio and measles campaigns have to date covered a cumulative total of 24,688 children, and a total of 438 women were vaccinated against tetanus.
Out of the 1,096 unaccompanied minors living in the camp, 496 are currently provided with alternative care support through para-social workers. At present, 103 registered cases of child protection (physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children) are being managed.

Approximately 14,000 pupils are enrolled in education orientation classes in Mahama camp, with more than 120 teachers from the Burundian refugee community as well as Rwandan nationals. More than 5,400 young children are attending ECD and pre-primary programmes in temporary classrooms.