We are a happy family after returning in our home country and getting our own house
Under the Sustainable Return and Reintegration Project of MIDIMAR, 75 houses were provided to most vulnerable Rwandan returnees. NDAGIJIMANA Jean Baptiste, 52, married to UWIMANA Alivera, 35, with 3 children is the beneficiary who received one of those houses.
“We have a happy family after returning from the life of exile in Bibwe, Democratique Republic of Congo (DRC). We were given a modern house. It has enabled us to restore our economic improvement,” said Alivera while chasing some of the hens that left the hen pen.
Ndagijimana family returned home in 2012. Due to the hardships in the forest of DRC, Jean Baptiste and his family decided to approach the Offices of United Nations High Commission for Refugees to request for information worth to enable them to return back home.
“With a lot of surprise, at our arrival in Rwanda we were warm welcomed home and supported by the Government instead of being killed as gossiping people used to tell us while in DRC,” said Jean Baptiste.
A 3 rooms ‘house with a kitchen, wash rooms and a cistern granted to Jean Baptiste has been a boost to his family. Instead of working for shelter, he started to work for economically sustaining his family since he had a home.