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Rwanda + 2 more

Standardizing Paper-based LMIS Tools to Optimize Inventory Strategy


Using well designed, standardized paper-based LMIS tools,Alight ensured that essential data are captured at all levels of the supply chain to inform resupply decisions and prevent stockouts of essential and specialized medical supplies.


Formerly known as the American Refugee Committee, Alight provides health care, clean water, shelter, protection, and economic opportunities to more than 3.5 million displaced people in 17 countries each year. In Rwanda, Alight provides comprehensive health care services to approximately 75,000 Congolese and Burundian refugees in the settlement camps of Mahama, Gihembe, and Nyabiheke.The camps are located in remote areas where facilities and resources are limited.As part of its operations,Alight procures a broad range of medicines and medical supplies for its health facilities and pharmacies.To help prevent stockouts of health supplies in a setting where demand can fluctuate,
Alight standardized its paper-based reporting system and developed various logistics management information system (LMIS) tools to optimize its inventory management practices.