Beans are the most common staple commodities across all regions in Rwanda. Maize, cassava, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes and bananas are also very important. Beans and Maize are cultivated generally in all districts of the Country, Irish potato mainly in Northern and Western parts of the Country and Banana in Eastern parts. Staple food prices are usually lower in JanuaryFebruary, after season A, and in July-August, following the season B harvest. Prices are higher in October-November and May-June during the lean periods. Poor households, with small land holdings, get most of their food from market purchases. The wholesale market in Kigali provides a good indication of general food price trends in the country. Ruhuha market is in an area that frequently faces food insecurity. Kirambo, Musanze and Byumba markets are located in surplus areas in the Northern Province and are major collection markets for cross-border trade with Uganda. Mahoko and Bugarama are important crossborder trade markets with the Democratic Republic of Congo. Muhanga is the main market in cassava producing region located in the Southern province and cassava is the predominant food for low income households. Kabaya, Ndago and Kabacuzi are markets in deficit regions of Ngororero, Nyaruguru, and Nyamagabe districts respectively.