9,521 (as of 21 April)
Burundian refugees have crossed into Rwanda.
Further breakdown of the above figure:
Refugees in Bugesera Reception Center.
Refugees in Nyanza Reception Center.
Are children
Establishment/ development of the new camp;
Rapid transportation of refugees in the reception centers to the new camp;
Continue providing essential protection and assistance services to the refugees in the existing Bugesera and Nyanza reception centers, with a particular focus on health, WASH and shelter.
- On 22nd April, the first convoy of 400 refugees left the overcrowded Nyanza reception center to the new refugee camp, Mahama (under construction). The Government of Rwanda has allocatedhectares of land in the Mahama sector of Kirehe District in the eastern province for a new refugee camp to host some 20,000 individuals. On 17th April, the Deputy Representative of UNHCR, the Special Advisor to the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs (MIDIMAR) and the Mayor of Kihere District led a rapid assessment mission accompanied by WFP, UNICEF, ADRA, ARC, World Vision and Plan International to assess the new site. MIDIMAR, UNHCR and partners have been quick in response by mapping out the site, mobilizing staff to erect tents and hangars, establishing temporary WASH facilities and overseeing logistics. UNHCR headquarters has deployed a WASH engineer and site planning expert to provide technical support in the construction of the new camp.