The Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugees, under the project “UNTFHS-Strengthening Human Security by Enhancing Resilience to Natural Disasters and Climate-Related Threats in Ngororero District”, trained the Members of the Sector Disaster Management Committees (SEDIMAC) in Ngororero District to increase their capacities in mitigating the risks of Disasters and strengthening awareness on laws related to the disaster risk management.
The 45 members of the 5 SEDIMACs who underwent the training are from Bwira, Gatumba, Muhororo, Ndaro and Nyange Sectors of Ngororero District.
The chairperson of SEDIMAC Ndaro at the same time the Executive Secretary of Ndaro Sector, MUGISHA Daniel, said that the training on disaster risk management has been very beneficial to the members of different SEDIMACs who were there present.
“We gained a lot of skills in line with the Disasters Risks management. We learnt different levels of disasters and how to mitigate their risks according to their levels,” Said Mugisha after the training in Ngororero District.
Apart from gaining the skills on disaster risk management, the members of 5 trained SEDIMACs pledged their full effort to share the gained skills with their community to increase the knowledge on disaster in Ngororero District.
“After this vital training, we are heading to the full utilization of the gained skills. We will sensitize our population to build their houses in the right selected places worth to limit the risks of disasters. Since our region is prone to the strong winds, we will make them be aware of how to effectively tie the ceilings of their houses to limit the damages those winds,” Mugisha added.
Till now, 117 members of the SEDIMACs have been trained in Ngororero District. 257 members of the SEDIMACs in other 7 districts; Burera, Nyabihu,Nyamagabe,Muhanga, Rwamagana,Kayonza and Nyagatare have also been trained.