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How local Non-Government Organizations in Rwanda (NGOs) are affected by COVID 19?


Celestin Nsengiyumva

Since the COVID19 first appeared in China, it was quickly affecting the entire life across the globe. Heath systems, businesses, banking, infrastructures, tourisms, education, transportation, social life, etc. have been affected in countries experiencing the COVID19. In response to the crisis, Rwanda like other countries have established response mechanisms trying to stabilize the situation and deal with the consequences of COVID19, including fiscal impulse, defer certain payments, liquidity assistance, direct transfers, cut of taxes and social security contributions . In addition, the response strategies include the funding restructuring by the funding community to meet emergency needs across the world.

Donors have now prioritized the direct injection of money into governments’ budgets to cover budget deficits caused by the ciris. This will potentially reduce the funding share given to the countries through local NGOs and community based organizations, which in turn will undermine their capacities to implement development programs and projects. This paper explores challenges that local NGOs in Rwanda are facing or likely to face during and after the COVID 19. It also explores the actionable recommendations that can help local NGOs in Rwanda to deal with the crisis emanating from the COVID 19 pandemic.