This report presents the Rwanda case study for the Evaluation of Sida’s support to Peacebuilding in Conflict and Post-Conflict Contexts and is an annex to the evaluation synthesis report. The evaluation has been commissioned by Sida and undertaken by Tana Copenhagen. It assesses Sida’s approach and support to peacebuilding at the strategic level and seeks to identify what has worked well and what has worked less well. The evaluation finds that Sida’s peacebuilding support has been relevant. The engagement has contributed to a range of relevant results from a peacebuilding perspective, including relating to transitional justice; Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration; and peace education. With regard to the latter, Sida’s support has contributed to the evolution of an approach from teaching reconciliation to debating reconciliation and broadening it to a large audience, notably in schools. Sustainability has been increased where the support has been institutionalised; for example, through inclusion in the national curriculum.