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ACT Update: Rwanda - AFRW91- Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation

This is to inform you that AFRW91 appeal has had its completion date extended from 31 December, 1999 to 30 June, 2000. The reason for this is that the appeal received a late donation of funds of US$1,000,000 from SIDA through the Church of Sweden Aid (CSA). Around November, 50% of these funds were received by LWF/WS the implementing member of the program while the remaining 50% was expected at the beginning the year, 2000. As these funds represent the bulk of the funding for the LWF/WS part of the appeal, activities had to be rescheduled to fit into the funding realities. This extension only affects the LWF/WS program in the appeal. The appeal is a consolidated one with all Rwanda Act members namely, Lutheran World Federation, Protestant Council of Rwanda, Christian Aid, United Methodist Committee on Relief and Church World Service.
During the year 1999, the main project implemented by the LWF/WS was the construction of shelter for the returnee refugees from Tanzania. The funding of this project was mainly from the UNHCR and ECHO. With the SIDA funding which necessitated the extension of this appeal to June, 2000 the prioritized projects to be implemented are as follows:

  • Emergency Preparedness (stocking of Non Food Items)
  • Rural roads repairs
  • Water and Sanitation projects
  • Shelter programs

Thank you for your attention.

ACT is a worldwide network of churches and related agencies meeting human need through coordinated emergency response.

The ACT Coordinating Office is based with the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Switzerland.

For further information please contact:

ACT Co-ordinator, Miriam Lutz (phone ++41 22 791 6033 or mobile phone ++ 41 79 203 6055)


ACT Appeals Officer, ... (phone +41 22 791 60..)

ACT Web Site address: