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WFP Bi-Weekly Report for the period 1 - 15 Mar 2003

EMOP 10128.0 Emergency Food Assistance to Conflict Affected
Internally Displaced Persons and Vulnerable Households in the North Caucasus

No. of planned beneficiaries
Net Requirement
Twelve months
(1 January - 31 December 2003)
Wheat flour
Total Cost to WFP
US$ 15.7 million
Iodised salt
Total Food Requirements
Corn-soya blend


Based on the security assessment in Chechnya undertaken by UNSECOORD, no UN monitoring missions will be carried out during the period of 7 - 31 March 2003.

The number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) registered with the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) in Ingushetia has dropped from around 95,000 in January to 92,520 by 15 March. The decrease was due to the result of verification process undertaken by DRC both in Ingushetia and Chechnya.

On 5 March, in Ingushetia WFP met with Mr. Dzeitov, Deputy Chairman of the Ingush Government, and discussed the possibilities of customs clearance of imported food commodities in Ingushetia. According to Mr. Dzeitov, the State Customs Committee in Moscow has recently authorised the customs clearance facilities in Ingushetia. He hoped that the formalities might be completed by the end of March.



Relief Distribution - The IDP population in Ingushetia stands at 92,520, as compared to 93,440 in the end of February 2003. Of them, 16% live in tent camps, 29% in spontaneous settlements and 55% found shelter in private sector. During the fortnight there was a decrease of 917 persons, who were found either absent during the verification carried out by DRC or returned to Chechnya.


Relief Distribution - According to DRC registration, presently there are 134,700 beneficiaries coming from 'very poor' and 'poor' groups of food-insecure population in seven central districts of Chechnya covered by WFP. Over the month of February, about 600 beneficiaries were included into the Chechnya registration database.

School Feeding - The number of WFP beneficiaries in primary and pre-school institutions located in eight central districts of Chechnya constituted 43,800 children.

Food for Work - According to the current monthly work plan presented by People in Need Foundation (PINF), WFP's main food-for-work implementing partner in Chechnya, over 1,100 vulnerable unemployed persons (about 5,500 beneficiaries) will benefit from the activity.

Food Supply Situation and Pipeline Management

During the fortnight WFP continued fixing custom clearance related formalities for 700 MT of Cuban sugar, 360 MT of CSB and 478 MT of edible oil. The CSB consignment is expected to arrive in Nazran in the beginning of April.

In March WFP expects to locally procure 3,200 MT of wheat flour using the ECHO funds.

One donor (Netherlands) confirmed its contribution, bringing WFP resources to USD 6.06 million or around 39% of the total requirements of US$ 15.7 million.



Relief Distribution - The second cycle of relief food distribution has been completed by 15 March, with an exception of Satsita camp in Sunzha district. Absence of oil and sugar in WFP food basket, which comprised 10 kg of wheat flour and 0.15 kg of iodised salt per person, was caused by late arrival of the imported food commodities and customs clearance.


Relief Distribution - During the reporting period 970 MT of mixed food commodities have been provided for about 135,000 beneficiaries. WFP food ration for this month is composed of 10 kg of wheat flour, 1 L of edible oil and 0.15 kg of iodised salt.

In March WFP started bakery project through Centre for Peacemaking and Community Development (CPCD). Under this activity bread is daily supplied to 720 vulnerable persons, such as disabled people, orphans and semi-orphans.

School Feeding - In view of delayed arrival and slow customs clearance of imported food commodities and the related low stocks of rice and CSB in the warehouse, WFP is distributing only sweet buns. A total of 43,800 children in targeted schools and kindergarten are being provided with sweet buns.

In April WFP plans to conduct school feeding baseline survey in 90 targeted schools. For that purpose, 8 enumerators have been recruited and trained by WFP.

WFP, in partnership with PINF, has started a project aimed to conduct minor repair works in school kitchens, canteens and food storerooms, which includes 29 schools in Grozny city. Part of the work (unskilled labour) is being implemented through WFP food for work scheme whereas PINF's contribution is extended to the coverage of expenses for involvement of skilled workers. As of the beginning of March repair works have been finished in eight school kitchens.

Food for Work - 324 MT of food was provided for 1,110 participants (5,550 beneficiaries) of WFP food for work activity in Grozny city and Grozny Rural district implemented through PINF. The NGO has recently extended the project to two more settlements in Grozny Rural district, Chishki and Dachu-Borzoi.



Relief Distribution - During the reporting period WFP monitors visited 25 food distribution points and interviewed 79 IDP households for the purpose of end-use monitoring data collection as well as to verify their presence in Ingushetia. Monitors found out that 10% of the visited IDP households were not present during their visits. This information was passed on to DRC for follow-up verification and appropriate action. The IDPs expressed their concern about absence of sugar and edible oil in current distribution cycle.


Series of mop-up operations in central districts of Chechnya made it impossible for 'Vesta' monitors to observe implementation of WFP activities in Grozny Rural and Achkhoi-Martan districts.

Relief Distribution - During the fortnight 'Vesta' monitors observed food distribution at 11 distribution points and interviewed 200 beneficiary families for end-use monitoring.

School Feeding - 'Vesta' reported that in the majority of cases quality of sweet buns was satisfactory. In few occasions some lots of buns were not baked properly which was due to frequent electricity cuts in bakery facilities during the baking process.

In connection to establishing polling station in schools for the coming Referendum on the Chechnya Republican Constitution, lowered attendance of schoolchildren was reported in Grozny city with about 30% of enrolled children absent in classes.

Food for Work - Monitors carried out visits to 25 food-for-work sites in Grozny city and Grozny Rural districts and reported that the works had been carried out by PINF as per the agreed schedule.


On 6 March WFP held a regular food sector coordination meeting in Nazran. WFP informed the participants on the present pipeline situation and discussed the issue of targeting basic food aid among IDPs in Ingushetia. It has been agreed between WFP, UNHCR and DRC that a random survey will be conducted among the IDPs living in private sector of Ingushetia in order to determine whether targeting for food assistance is required. WFP briefed the present NGO representatives on its plans to further expand school feeding activity in Chechnya starting from September 2003. Details of the expansion are in a process of designing.