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Salvation Army responds to Chechen refugee crisis

With the large number of refugees from Chechnya now in neighbouring Ingushetia, a needs assessment has been carried out in Nazran, the capital of Ingushetia, and in surrounding areas. Captain Geoff Ryan, Regional Officer for Russia South, and Mrs Janetta Nuttall, Operations Desk Officer for the Emergency Services of the Salvation Army International Headquarters, assessed the needs of over 203,000 Chechen refugees.
While the majority of the refugees are in six official camps in Ingushetia, there are also a great number of 'spontaneous settlements'. The people in these spontaneous settlements are housed in barracks, collective farms, shops, mosques and any other places they can find to provide shelter. Such people are often difficult to reach and are the most vulnerable.

The Salvation Army needs assessment team made recommendations that the following measures should be undertaken for the refugees in Ingushetia, specifically targeting those in spontaneous settlements:

1. Provision of a mobile primary health care clinic to assist with preventive and curative health interventions under the overall coordination of WHO (World Health Organisation) and UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund).

2. Provision of winter clothing.

3. Complementary feeding/food supplements, including provision of milk substitutes for mothers who cannot breastfeed.

4. Provision of other essential items (eg cooking/heating stoves, cooking utensils) not provided by the UN or the Russian Federation government authorities.

5. Further investigation into the possibility of a programme of cooperation to assist the traumatised children and young people who have suffered as a result of the present crisis and the previous war.

The plan of action and the corresponding budget for US$ 400,000 to support these recommendations has been completed. Due to security reasons, it is recommended that the field implementation team is fully staffed by local personnel, with oversight and occasional monitoring provided by the Russia South Region.

The Crisis Action Group at IHQ has approved the proposed plan of action and has recommended that the implementation of the plan be carried out in a phased manner, adapting the programmes to the changes and further developments in this
humanitarian crisis. (photographs to follow)

AUTHOR: Janetta Nuttall

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