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Russian Federation/Northern Caucasus assistance continues in Ingushetia

The Red Cross is pursuing the humanitarian operations it has been carrying out in the northern Caucasus for the victims of the conflict in Chechnya and the most vulnerable sectors of the population. Working together with the local committees of the Russian Red Cross, the 185 ICRC local staff members present in the region are conducting the operations under the supervision of five expatriate delegates based in Nalchik (republic of Kabardino-Balkaria).

Ingushetia is the main beneficiary of the aid being provided. According to official sources, the republic, which borders on Chechnya, has taken in some 200,000 displaced people. From October to mid-December the ICRC distributed essential supplies (food and hygiene parcels, blankets, flour, kitchen utensils, jerrycans, etc.) to more than 100,000 people there. Thanks to the oven set up in cooperation with the Ingush committee of the Russian Red Cross, 10,000 loaves of bread are being distributed every day to the displaced. Several reception centres have also been equipped to store the drinking water brought in by tanker trucks.

Over two thirds of the displaced in Ingushetia have found shelter with local residents. Others are staying in reception centres (eight camps for 25,000 people) and about 30,000 more are living in makeshift shelters that are often unfit for human habitation. All these people depend largely for their survival on the assistance provided by the Red Cross, which has had to increase the rations.

Further information: ICRC Moscow, tel. ++ 70 95 926 54 26