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Russia 2024-2025 IFRC network country plan


Multi - Year Funding Requirement CHF 50.83M


The Russian Red Cross Society was established in 1867 and admitted to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in 1934. It is one of the oldest non-governmental organisations in Russia covering almost all regions of the country with its regional and local branches. The size of regions is comparable to large European countries, necessitating substantial response capacities and extended geographic reach.

Apart from having its headquarters in Moscow and branches spread over 86 regions of the country, the Russian Red Cross Society has a Hospital in Ethiopia, a Migration Centre in Moscow, a Red Cross Academy that trains new staff, volunteers and the public, a Linguistics Centre making the Movement materials accessible for the Russian-speaking audience, as well as a Search and Tracing Centre.

The main areas of work of the Russian Red Cross Society are to support emergencies, health and social programmes, first aid training and the promotion of blood and bone marrow donation. The National Society is one of the main coordinators of humanitarian support provided to people who have left Ukraine and are currently in Russian territory.

The Russian Red Cross Society places a strong focus on supporting vulnerable and marginalized groups in Russia. Social programmes include facilitating nurse visits for older people and people living with disabilities, home care, and the provision of care services in social and medical institutions by trained nurses and social workers. Health programmes include support for people with HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, including commitments to treatment and support groups for patients.

The Russian Red Cross Society is actively engaged in promotion of Red Cross Movement and international humanitarian law, restoring family links and tracing, as well as civic watch on human rights in detention facilities.

The Russian Red Cross Society strives to respond to 70% of nationwide, interregional and regional emergencies by providing humanitarian services to those affected and complementing government support measures.