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North Caucasus Emergency Health Update No. 6


Health assistance to the population affected by the emergency. Compiled by WHO.
Profile of IDP population

Number of internally displaced (IDPs) and their locations , as reported by federal and regional governmental authorities, up to 30 December:

Population profile
Number of IDPs
IDPs from Chechnya in Ingushetia
IDPs who have returned home
IDPs from Chechnya in Dagestan

The above numbers are changing constantly as people move to other republics or to the northern parts of Chechnya.

The total number of IDPs in other parts of the Russian Federation has not yet been confirmed.

The United Nations estimates that at least 75% of IDPs in Ingushetia are living with host families.

According to various sources of information, 15,000-40,000 civilians still remain in Grozny.

Both in Ingushetia and Dagestan, women and children make up an overwhelming majority of the IDPs.

There are indications that 40% of IDPs are children, 40% are women, and 20% are men.

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