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Islamic Relief Chechnya Update No. 9

1 The Present Crisis

  • The Ingush government have estimated that there are nearly 300,000 Chechen refugees within its borders. This figure includes unregistered refugees.
  • People continue to cross from Chechnya to Ingushetia but there is also a movement back to Russian-controlled parts of Chechnya. There are approximately 35,000 to 40,000 (UNCHR) refugees still left in Grozny

1.1 Distribution of refugees

  • Refugees live outside in cars, buses, railway wagons and tented camps. The railway wagons are overcrowded and there is no heating.
  • In response to the continuing arrival of refugees, the Government has set up an additional two camps called KAVKAZ and NESTEROVSKII which are in addition to the existing 8 official refugee camps, which cater for nearly 30 000 refugees.

Official Refugee Camps in Ingushetia
Name of camp
Total refugees
* New Karabulak
* Sputnik
* Severnii
No Information yet
No Information yet

* camps Islamic Relief is operating in

2. Programme activities so far:

While Islamic Relief is supplying clean drinking water to 8 refugee camps, it is at present concentrating its emergency relief distribution to the following three camps:

Distribution so far:

Islamic Relief has committed itself to distributing food packets to 4100 families at present WHICH RESULTS IN A WEEKLY DISTRIBUTION OF 89 TONNES OF FOOD.

By 14 January, Islamic Relief will have completed its 7th food distribution which will mean that over 500 TONNES OF FOOD will have been delivered.

  • The food has been divided into individual food packets. 4100 food packets are to be distributed each week
  • Food packets consist of: Flour, Sugar, Vegetable oil, Macaroni, Tea, Beans, Salt

    Non-food item: Candles & matches
  • 30 water barrels have been purchased and set up within 8 refugee camps. Each has a 3 tonne capacity.
  • We have now purchased two mobile clinics, two trucks for distribution and one Kamaz truck for water delivery project
  • 5000 plastic water containers have been purchased and will be distributed to the refugees this week.
  • 5000 blankets are on order and will be delivered next week
  • We have secured the services of medical staff for each of the mobile clinics ; 1 doctor, I nurse, I driver
  • We have staff in place at our offices in Nalchik and Nazran
  • We are in the process of compiling an expatriate team who should be in place shortly to assist with the full implementation of the CRRP 1.

Latest Developments

The Russian authorities have taken 35 carriages from the rail carriage camp in Severnii and have moved them 15 kilometres from the Ingush border , inside Chechnya itself. Approximately, 800 refugees have been affected.

The Russian authorities have taken this course of action as they want to encourage the return of refugees at least to the secure areas of Chechnya.

To assist in this, the authorities have requested Islamic Relief to continue its distribution of aid to the camp INSIDE CHECHNYA itself.

IR takes it as a mark of confidence that the authorities feel able to entrust us with this request; we feel it is our work in Ingushetia so far which has earned us a reputation for effectiveness.