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Floods DREF operation n° MDRRU010 - Final Report


CHF 149,420 have been allocated from the Federation’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the National Society in delivering immediate assistance to 1,800 families in Krasnodarskiy region and Republic of Adygeya. This operation was expected to be implemented over 3 months, and was completed by beginning of September. Unearmarked funds to repay DREF were encouraged.

Summary: Heavy rains raised the water level of the rivers causing inundation and flooding of houses and agricultural land in four districts of the Republic of Adygeya and in five districts in Krasnodarskiy region in the Russian Federation.

According to the Adygeya Red Cross branch and the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, 102 houses were completely destroyed and 2,112 flooded. More than 9,000 people were affected, 1,755 of them were children. 1,000 people were relocated to hosting families and relatives and the state of emergency was officially declared in the affected areas. The local Red Cross branch recognised 1,500 families as the most vulnerable following the established criteria (older people, single-parent families…), which made up approximately 4,500 people in total.

In the Krasnodarskiy region the number of the flooded houses was 340, with 889 people (187 children) living in them, roughly 300 families. Infrastructure and agricultural soil were also heavily damaged.

Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) evacuated 1,000 of the most affected from both locations, temporarily placing them with hosting families and relatives, and established temporary accommodation in 10 places for about 600 families (5,000 people). Russian Red Cross branches in Krasnodar and Adygeya were actively involved in disaster response action, most notably in the packing, transport and distribution of relief goods – food, hygiene items, bed linen and blankets for approximately 5,400 most vulnerable people, working in close coordination with the authorities.

A balance of CHF 3,061 has remained unspent after the end of the operation and will be returned to the DREF funds.

The major donors and partners of DREF include the Australian, American and Belgian governments, the Austrian Red Cross, the Canadian Red Cross and government, Danish Red Cross and government, the European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO), the Irish and the Italian governments, the Japanese Red Cross Society, the Luxembourg government, the Monaco Red Cross and government, the Netherlands Red Cross and government, the Norwegian Red Cross and government, the Spanish Government, the Swedish Red Cross and government, the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), the Medtronic and Z Zurich Foundations, and other corporate and private donors. The IFRC, on behalf of the National Society, would like to extend thanks to all for their generous contributions. Details of all contributions to the DREF for 2011 on: