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Appeal No. MAARU002 Mid-Year Report


This report covers the period 1, January 2011 to 30,June 2011

In brief

Programme outcome: The programmes supported by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the Russian Federation are in line with the Strategy 2020 strategic aims to save lives, protect livelihoods, and strengthen recovery from disaster and crises; to enable healthy and safe living; and to build strong National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Programme summary:

  • In 2011 Russian Red Cross, in close collaboration with and technical support from IFRC, continued implementation of the program “Strengthening Cross-Sectoral Collaboration for More Effective National Response to MDR TB Spread” supported by USAID in 11 regions of Russia. Total budget of the program for the period October 2010-March 2012 is 1,900,000 USD (CHF 1,584,000).

  • In addition, in 2011, the cooperation with Eli Lilly was further strengthened: in the framework of the Global IFRC/Eli Lilly Partnership, Russian Red Cross with IFRC technical support implemented the project "Enhancement of community involvement and social mobilization on MDR-TB prevention" aimed at wide advocacy and social mobilization activity in five regions of Russia. Total budget of the grant is CHF 51,851.

  • In the reporting period four DREF operations were implemented or launched in Russia with overall budget of CHF 296,518. The budget for Strengthening Community resilience Program in Beslan was 40,720.42 CHF (Norwegian and Netherlands Red Cross Societies)

  • In first half of 2011, IFRC provided technical support to Russian Red Cross on the development of new Statutes and Strategic Development Plan 2020. Total amount of expenditures for 2011 CHF 10,742.