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Romania + 1 more

UNHCR Romania: Ukraine Refugee Situation Update, Weekly Update #123, 18 November 2024



This week, we are approaching a critical landmark of 1,000 days since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine commenced on 24 February 2022. Since then, 175,331 refugees who were forced to flee their homes in Ukraine obtained temporary protection in Romania seeking safety from the war. Millions more transited through the country benefitting from assistance, transport, shelter, and services. During these 1,000 days, under the leadership of Romanian authorities at the local and national levels, the humanitarian response has undergone a remarkable evolution – from emergency assistance to a midlong-term response. Over the last 1,000 days, the refugee response in Romania has been sustained by many, including NGOs, donors, the private sector, and Romanian citizens, that together provided hope to refugees and those in need. UNHCR, in consultation with authorities, partners and refugees, is now finalizing the comprehensive planning for 2025, with a view to enhancing the inclusion of refugees in Romania and supporting the Romanian host communities.

On 14 November, H.E. Ms. Anna Hällerman, Ambassador of Sweden to Romania, visited Iasi and met with UNHCR staff. During the visit, UNHCR, together with Star of Hope NGO, Save the Children, and FONSS, elaborated the refugee response activities in Iasi, including the work of refugee-led organisations, and support to vulnerable minority-communities in the county to strengthen social cohesion.