Key figures
168,862 refugees obtained temporary protection in Romania.
14,087 refugees enrolled for cash assistance in 2024.
14,220 refugees provided with protection counselling services and legal support since January 2024.
5,162 refugees supported with livelihood and employment services since January 2024.
Along with authorities and other partners, UNHCR is contributing to three workstreams agreed with governmental authorities for the implementation of the Emergency Ordinance (EO) number 96, on 28 June 2024 regarding humanitarian support and assistance by the Romanian State to foreign citizens or stateless persons in special situations coming from the area of the armed conflict in Ukraine. In the reporting week, under the leadership of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, organizations met to discuss mechanisms to disseminate among the refugee population the contents of the said EO. Under the leadership of the Department of Emergency Situations, in the context of weekly meetings with relevant organisations, cases that may require specific time-bound assistance to transition between the pre-existing assistance program and the one set by the said EO, are being discussed. Finally, under UNHCR’s leadership in the Basic Needs Inter Agency Working Group, modalities to set viable and sustainable accommodation arrangements for particularly vulnerable cases, are being discussed to meet the deadline prescribed in the EO of three months extension of the pre-existing system.
Last week, UNHCR conducted a series of home visits and mobile missions to enrol vulnerable individuals for the cash assistance program for refugees with specific needs in Baia Mare and Constanta. UNHCR has covered 28 locations through mobile missions and home visits since the beginning of the programme in March. Through the 5 enrolment centres across Romania and the mobile missions, in 2024 (as of 12 July), UNHCR has enrolled a total of 14,087 refugees, including 11,078 refugees for the cash assistance for refugees with specific needs. Among the enrolled refugees, the eligible refugees - identified through a vulnerability score card developed in consultation with authorities and partners - receive four instalments of RON 630 (US$ 136) per person per month to cover their most pressing needs in Romania.
As of 11 July, a total of 1,108 refugees from Ukraine registered for Romanian language classes provided by the International House as part of UNHCR’s efforts in supporting refugees to access livelihood opportunities in Romania. The International House conducts the language classes in Bucharest, Braila, Brasov, Constanta, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Suceava, Iasi, and Timisoara. UNHCR has received positive feedback from refugees regarding the teachers and interactive learning methodology. The International House is also conducting some classes online with an aim to reach out to refugees hosted in some remote locations.
On 11 July 2024, UNHCR facilitated the meeting of the Refugee Inclusion Working Group in Suceava. A total of 18 participants from authorities and NGOs engaged in discussion on improving referral pathways and procedures. The participants also conveyed a need for collective efforts on improving access to education for refugee children from Ukraine.