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Romania + 1 more

UNHCR Romania: Ukraine Refugee Situation Update, Update #55, 17 July 2023


Key figures

136,956 refugees granted temporary protection in Romania.

96,512 refugees present in Romania (as of 2 July 2023).

44,442 refugees supported with cash assistance in 2023.

43,129 refugees supported in 2022.

52,700 refugees provided with protection counselling services and legal support in 2023. 65,000 refugees assisted in 2022.

3,360 refugees supported with livelihoods & employment services in 2023.


On 14 July, a Refugee Coordination Forum meeting was convened by the Inter-Agency Coordination platform to take mid-year stock on the implementation progress and the funding situation of the Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRP) 2023 in Romania. Nearly 60 participants of NGOs, humanitarian organizations, UN agencies and embassies attended the briefing in Bucharest. Dr. Raed Arafat, Secretary of State, Head of Department of Emergency Situations and UNHCR Representative as Inter-Agency Refugee Coordinator delivered remarks during the briefing. In 2023, 34 humanitarian actors (14 national NGOs, 14 international NGOs and 6 Agencies appealed for US$ 153.6M for activities for the refugees from Ukraine hosted in Romania. Over the past weeks, the Inter-Agency team conducted a Programme Criticality exercise to assess urgent sectorial needs to support refugees from Ukraine in Romania. Main financial gaps are affecting activities concerning protection (such as prevention of and response to gender-based violence, counter-trafficking etc), education and health. So far in 2023, the RRP in Romania is 37 per cent funded.

The awareness campaign launched by UNHCR to sustain refugee inclusion and social cohesion in Romania has received, in its second week, significant response from the general public. Within two weeks since its launch on 3 July, the campaign messages have reached an audience of more than 1,023,000 people through various channels, including social media, billboards in major cities in Romania (Bucharest, Brasov, Constanta, Cluj, Timisoara), and radio. The awareness campaign this week has also addressed, on its landing page, myths and facts concerning refugees in Romania.