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Romania: Meeting of the national committee for emergencies


On the meeting of the National Committee for Emergencies held today, Prime Minister Calin Popescu - Tariceanu has decided the setting up of some joint teams of the Ministry of Administration and Interior, Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development and the Ministry of Transports that would contribute to the consolidation of the houses that were damaged by floods. To this purpose, the Prime Minister has decided the allocation of wood material for the consolidation of these houses. "We have requested the Ministries to analyze the situation according to their responsibilities. We will re-open the discussion on today's meeting too. We have to be ready including for a longer term accommodation in different locations of the citizens who will not have their houses built in due time, until the beginning of the winter", the Minister of Administration and Interior Mr. Vasile Blaga stated. Mr. Blaga further added that "After the waters recede, and we can enter every area, we will make a value evaluation, with complete files for each house". The number of the flood casualties from the last four days reached 8, in comparison with the 7 announced yesterday, and one person is missing. The number of the damaged counties reached 21, Minister Blaga has also announced. Four out of the 8 victims drowned, and the other four were hit by thunders. The missing person of Valcea county, Francesti locality is an engineer, employee of ISPH(Institute of Hydroelectric Studies and Design) , his car was taken by the waters. " The car was found, but the person is missing. We do not know whether he was accompanied, that is why we do not confirm some news appeared in the press that three other persons had been in that respective car", the Minister of Administration and Interior has further added. The meteorological and hydrological warnings are further maintained since the forecast rainfall will be higher than 80l per square meter until tomorrow evening, especially in Moldova, Transylvania, Maramures, the Oriental , Meridional and Western Carpathians. On the night of 19 to 20th of August , the rainfall will reach a normal volume of 15- 20 l per square meter and there will be a fine weather until Tuesday, when will start to rain again, Minister Blaga further stated. The authorities have signaled a special situation in the following counties: Arges, Bacau, Dambovita, Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinti, Mures, Olt, Teleorman and Valcea. The interventions of the teams of the Ministry of Administration and Interior in cooperation with the Ministry of National Defense for the persons' evacuation and rescue are among the immediate measures that have been taken so far. The Minister Vasile Blaga stated that over 60 persons were rescued and 121 evacuated in a special action in Dolj county. " Yesterday night, we decided the railway to be broken in the nearby of Plosca locality in Teleorman County in order to prevent the increase of the water level", the Minister of Administration and Interior has further explained. Also, the Ministry of Health sent teams in the flooded areas, and, at this moment, there is no risk of an outbreak of epidemics. Minister Blaga has further added that the National Sanitary Veterinary Agency continues the vaccination and the re- vaccination of the animals. "We did not receive any kind of reproaches from the European Commission, or the Specialized Department of the European Commission further to the second and third wave of floods. We conveyed data on the damage level to Brussels at every flood in order to access the Solidarity Fund. There haven't been so many calamities in Europe this year, and the fund has been little used, but only 5% of this fund can be allocated for the infrastructure ", the Minister of Administration and Interior further stated answering a question asked by press. Minister Vasile Blaga has stated that the Teleorman County representatives submitted an application for food supplies. He has further added that the application is analyzed in this moment by the General Director of the State Reserves, the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Administration and Interior and the prefect of Teleorman County.

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