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North Macedonia + 3 more

Coronavirus: EU delivers personal protective equipment to North Macedonia and Mongolia

Following a request for assistance from North Macedonia and Mongolia, Czechia and France are sending personal protective equipment to help in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Czechia sent 126,000 masks and 5,000 overalls to North Macedonia, while France sent 400 oxygen masks, 200 nasal cannulas, generators and other related items to Mongolia. The requests for assistance came through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said: “The coronavirus continues to be a challenge around the globe. The EU supports those who need help, because we can only beat this pandemic by cooperating and supporting our neighbours. I am grateful to the Member States who continue to help.”

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, 29 countries have received assistance in the form of medical or personal protective equipment, through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. In addition to its coordination role, the EU finances up to 75% of the transport costs for the assistance dispatched.

Publication date 22/01/2021