Over 273,586 refugees from Ukraine enrolled for cash assistance in Poland
94% of the refugees enrolled are women and children
US$79,3 million* est. disbursed so far to assist refugees from Ukraine in Poland
11 enrollment centres opened in Warsaw (2), Krakow, Poznan, Ostroda, Gdansk, Gdynia, Bytom, Wrocław, Zgierz and Lublin during the first months of the crisis, now gradually transitioning to other purposes
Why cash?
Cash assistance is one of the most efficient and effective ways to support people forced to flee, especially in fast-changing emergencies. Using secure finance technology combined with strict data protection measures, UNHCR provides refugees with cash securely and quickly. Families can purchase goods and services from local businesses – such as rent, food, medical supplies, and clothes – which boosts the economy and helps to integrate them into the community. Most importantly, cash assistance respects the dignity of choice and independence of people forced to flee, and give them a sense of normality and ownership, allowing them to decide what they need most to support their family.
Whom do we help?
In March 2022, UNHCR set up in record-time a cash assistance programme for refugees who fled Ukraine from 24 February onwards. Initially meant as a transitional emergency safety net, UNHCR cash programme is now transitioning to focus on the most vulnerable refugees. Mobile teams are conducting home visits to reach refugees who can’t visit our centres due to medical conditions or mobility issues (case by case).
What support do refugees get?
Eligible refugees who enrol for the programme receive 700 Polish zloty (some US$150) per month for three months, with an additional 600 Polish zloty for each household member, to a maximum amount per household of 2,500 zloty (approx.
US$540) per month for households of four members or more. Humanitarian actors distributing cash to refugees agreed on an amount aligned to the national safety net and a maximum period of 3 months’ support.