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Poland + 1 more

Poland: Activity Info Reporting Module, Step by Step Guide


  1. Introduction

A results framework has been established to track the performance of the 2022 Poland Refugee Response Plan (RRP) against indicators and to ensure progress against the targets set by partners at the start of the planning process (Annex 1). The goal of deploying a tracking framework is to ensure transparency and accountability, and to avoid duplication. It informs program monitoring and allows for the coordination of RRP implementation, as well as informing the respective government and donors about the humanitarian activities that are happening in Poland. The information can be used to inform planning for the future and to re-adjust the response as gaps are identified.

The reporting tool that can be used to track the performance of the RRP is ActivityInfo. ActivityInfo is an open-source software for data collection and reporting, which works both online and offline. It is secure, flexible, and offers a user-friendly information management system that is ideal for collaboration on data collection and reporting. It is web-based and optimized for reporting on activities that are geographically dispersed and implemented by multiple partner organizations. UNHCR will provide access to this software for all partners in the response.

Sector coordinators and UNHCR will regularly reach out to RRP partners to ensure that information is reported monthly by partners. Reporting against the indicators from the RRP results framework is a requirement for all RRP partners (this includes implementing partners of UN agencies).

Non RRP partners are equally invited to report their activities in ActivityInfo in order to ensure the coordination as well as visibility of the totality of the response. All data collected will be published in Online (Dashboard) as well as offline (PDF reports) products and contribute to a ensure accountability towards the public as well as to inform the Government of Poland and donors about progress made and the contributions of all agencies.