March 2014—November 2014
With relief activities phasing out by the end of May, there are still large numbers of vulnerable people dependent on humanitarian assistance. With the longer-term recovery programmes of the Governement yet to start, there is a significant risk of a resurgence of acute humanitarian needs unless immediate action is taken to fill the gap in restarting livelihoods and the delivery of basic social services until Government recovery programmes kick in.
Added to this, according to available information, more than 100,000 families could be affected by the implementation of no-dwelling zones. It will be important to address the challenges to this process by supporting the Government to ensure that the relocation process is rights-based and meets minimum standards.
The short-term, gap-filling actions identified in this plan are complemented by activities designed to improve preparedness for future disasters as well as supporting measures to implement the principle of ‘build back better’ across the range of affected sectors.