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The Presidential Spokesperson on the launch of FAiTH Version 2.0

Today, we launch Version 2.0 of the Foreign Aid Transparency Hub (FAiTH)—with enhancements that allow it to deliver more fully on its promise of transparency and accountability for aid and assistance given to the Philippines in the aftermath of Typhoon Yolanda. The improvements that distinguish FAiTH 2.0 from its initial launch lie primarily in the fact that 64 countries and 7 multilateral organizations now have access to FAiTH’s content management system.

With each embassy or organization now possessing a unique account username and password, they now have the ability to input or update their country or organization’s cash and non-cash pledges. Necessary measures are in place to ensure accuracy and ease of verification. As embassies update their data, each successful entry will generate a unique transaction ID and an electronic alert sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). Each update must also be officially communicated to the DFA via Note Verbale. A number of these embassies and organizations have already updated their data; thus, the figures on this version of FAiTH are also the most updated figures on aid and assistance.

Version 2.0 will also record assistance pledged or given by private, foreign nongovernment organizations (NGOs) made to the Philippines, so long as this assistance has been officially communicated to the DFA through Note Verbale. Donations from private individuals coursed through Philippines embassies abroad are also included in the tally.

In light of the enhancements that have been made to FAiTH, we are respectfully calling on the entire diplomatic corps, as well as our other development partners, to provide detailed information on the aid and assistance they have given. With greater accuracy of data that FAiTH provides, all our efforts—from that of the Philippine government to private organizations, to our international partners—can be guided accordingly towards greater success.

FAiTH Version 2.0 is founded on a system that emphasizes accuracy and our collective responsibility to ensure that every form of assistance given out of the good will of the global community achieves its intended goal: to help the survivors of Yolanda. By so doing, it strengthens partnerships, fosters trust, and ensures that we will continue our march on the journey to recovery and resilience together.