Emergency appeal n° MDRPH007
GLIDE n° TC-2011-000147-PHL and TC-2011-000149-PHL
Operation update n° 4 (9-month consolidated update)
2 August 2012
Period covered:
4 October 2011 to 3 July 2012
Appeal target (current):
CHF 4,114,366
Appeal coverage:
The appeal is 53 per cent covered.
Appeal history:
A revised emergency appeal launched on 10 November 2011, seeking CHF 4.1 million in cash, kind, or services to support the Philippine Red Cross to assist 25,000 families (125,000 persons) for 12 months.
An emergency appeal was launched on a preliminary basis on 4 October 2011 for CHF 3.5 million for eight months to assist 50,000 families (250,000 persons).
Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 280,000 was allocated to support the initial response.
Summary: This update consolidates the progress made nine months after the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), launched an emergency appeal operation — on behalf of the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) — to respond to the needs wrought by back-to-back typhoons, Nesat and Nalgae, that hit the central and northern parts of Luzon Island in the last quarter of 2011. Activities under this operation cover the sectors of food and non-food relief, health and hygiene promotion, water and sanitation, shelter, livelihoods, and national society preparedness and capacity building.
In the immediate aftermath of Typhoon Nesat, PRC deployed emergency response units, experienced staff and specialized volunteer teams to support emergency operations. The teams delivered a range of services, including search and rescue operations, serving ready-to-eat meals in evacuation centres, supplying clean water, restoring family links, providing psychosocial support, conducting health education, and distributing relief supplies. The National Society also acted swiftly to rescue and respond to the needs of those affected by Typhoon Nalgae, which followed days after Typhoon Nesat.