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Philippines: Typhoons Emergency Appeal No. MDRPH005 Operations Update No. 9


GLIDE n=B0 TC-2009-000205-PHL

Period covered by this Operations Update: 25 November to 9 December 2009;

Appeal target (current): CHF 16,286,096 (USD 16.1 million or EUR 10.8 million);

Appeal coverage: With contributions received to date, the appeal is 31 per cent covered in cash and kind;

Appeal history:

- This emergency appeal was issued 23 October 2009 for CHF 16,286,096 (USD 16.1 million or EUR 10.8 million) for eighteen months to assist approximately 110,000 families (550,000 people).

- A revised preliminary emergency appeal was issued 12 October 2009 for CHF 6,854,640 (USD 6.65 million or EUR 4.51 million) for nine months to assist 200,000 beneficiaries.

- The emergency appeal was initially launched on a preliminary basis on 1 October 2009 for CHF 3,086,571 (USD 2.98 million or EUR 2.45 million) for nine months to assist 200,000 beneficiaries.

- Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 200,000 was allocated from the Federation's DREF to support the national society in initial response.