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Philippines: Typhoons Emergency appeal n° MDRPH007 Final report


Period covered by this report: 4 October 2011 to 28 February 2013 Appeal target (final): CHF 2,941,756 Appeal coverage: 74 per cent

Appeal history:

• Revised emergency appeal issued on 18 October 2012 adjusted the budget to CHF 2.9 million and extended the operation’s timeframe until 30 November 2012.

• Emergency appeal launched on 10 November 2011, seeking CHF 4.1 million to support the Philippine Red Cross in assisting some 25,000 families (125,000 persons) for 12 months.

• Emergency appeal was launched on a preliminary basis on 4 October 2011 for CHF 3.5 million for eight months to assist 50,000 families.

• Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 280,000 was allocated to support the initial response.

Summary: The emergency appeal operation – launched by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to support the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) in delivering assistance to communities affected by back-to-back typhoons, Nesat and Nalgae, which hit the central and northern parts of Luzon Island on 27 September and 1 October respectively – was closed on 30 November 2012. Activities implemented during the operation covered the sectors of food and non-food relief, health and hygiene promotion, water and sanitation, shelter, livelihoods, and national society disaster preparedness and capacity building. At its conclusion, the operation had reached the targeted 25,000 families (125,000 persons), with all the outputs set in the revised emergency appeal by large achieved.

Financial Overview

This appeal was 74 per cent covered, with contributions amounting to CHF 2,173,542 recorded. At the issuance of this final report, there is a balance of CHF 79,489 which IFRC seeks to transfer to the Philippine country development plan. The balance includes funds that were budgeted for an external evaluation of the cash-based programming component under the livelihoods sector (which is scheduled for May/June 2013), an amount for increasing disaster preparedness stocks of the PRC, and part of the ten per cent that the IFRC Governing Board encourages to be dedicated for disaster risk reduction and preparedness measures. Donors who have any queries or clarification about the reallocation of the balance are kindly requested to contact the IFRC Asia Pacific zone office within the next 30 days. With the issuance of this final report, the emergency appeal is closed.