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Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan Situation Report No. 22 (as of 10 December 2013)



• Humanitarian partners presented on 10 December the Strategic Response Plan (SRP) for Typhoon Haiyan. The SRP requests US$791 million to complement the Government-led response and recovery efforts over the next 12 months. The Government will launch its Yolanda Recovery and Rehabilitation Plan (YRRP) on 18 December (amount to be confirmed).

• According to the latest Government (DSWD) estimates, Typhoon Haiyan affected about 14 million people, including 4 million people who remain displaced from their homes.

• To date, over 4.1 million affected people have received food assistance, including 1.15 million from partners other than WFP and DSWD. In addition, 144,629 shelter solutions have been distributed to affected people assisting in rebuilding damaged and destroyed houses. The availability of housing supplies remains patchy in affected areas.

• Migration Outflow Desks continue to monitor outflows from affected areas, with around 500 people reportedly leaving Guiuan daily. Monitoring mechanisms are required


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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