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Philippines: Typhoon Bopha (MDRPH011) - Operations update no. 7: 18 months summary


Period covered by this update:
5 December 2012 to 30 June 2014

This update provides a snapshot of progress made under the water and sanitation, shelter and National Society preparedness for response components.

Appeal target: CHF 16,267,217
Appeal coverage: 50 per cent

Appeal history:

  • 21 December 2012: An emergency appeal launched for CHF 16,267,217 to assist 40,000 families (some 200,000 people) for 18 months.
  • 5 December 2012: A preliminary emergency appeal issued for CHF 4,523,369 to cover 10,000 families (some 50,000 people) for 11 months.
  • Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 393,198 was allocated to support the National Society in its initial response

Summary: Philippine Red Cross (PRC), with support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), continues to provide recovery assistance to survivors of Typhoon Bopha, some 18 months after the strongest tropical cyclone to hit Philippines in 2012. Rehabilitation of water and sanitation facilities in four schools is underway. The project entails construction or rehabilitation of sanitation blocks such as latrines and urinals, installation of boreholes (fitted with pumps), and provision of hand washing facilities. A total of 8,105 families repaired their damaged houses while 622 others have moved into their new homes after receiving assistance under this operation. Construction of 33 more core shelters is underway in Compostela Valley and Davao Oriental, while construction of 145 others in the two provinces is set to start during July The batch to start will be the last of those planned. Based on funding received towards the appeal, only 8,100 families could be provided with shelter repair assistance, only 1,200 families can be provided with core shelter assistance and only four schools can be supported with rehabilitation of water and sanitation facilities.
 Contributions towards the IFRC emergency appeal have been received from the Red Cross Red Crescent partners, government partners and institutional partners – including the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (DG ECHO), the Australian, Italian and Japanese governments. The partner National Societies who have contributed are American Red Cross, Belgian Red Cross (Flanders), British Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross Society/Canadian government, Danish Red Cross/Danish government, Finnish Red Cross/Finnish government, Japanese Red Cross Society, Red Cross of Monaco, New Zealand Red Cross/New Zealand government, Swedish Red Cross, and Taiwan Red Cross Organization. A contribution was also received from the WHO’s Voluntary Emergency Relief Fund (VERF).

On behalf of the PRC, IFRC would like to thank partners and donors for their response to this appeal. Even though not all beneficiaries targeted can be assisted, owing to funding limitations, further contributions from donors are not encouraged. This is because the operation timeframe is set to end in October 2014, with no further extension envisioned. Donors are advised that while new contributions will be accepted, they would be re- allocated to the Philippines Long-Term Planning Framework (LTPF) 2012-2015 at the close of this operation.