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Philippines: Tropical Storm Washi, Emergency appeal n° MDRPH008 - final report


Period covered by this update: 21 December 2011 to 28 February 2013

Appeal target (current): CHF 5,705,280

Appeal coverage: 78 per cent

Appeal history:

  • Operations update 7, issued on 16 November 2012 extended the operational timeframe until 28 February 2013.

  • A revised emergency appeal was launched on 23 January 2012 for CHF 5.69 million to assist 20,000 families (100,000 persons) in 12 months

  • An emergency appeal was launched on a preliminary basis on 21 December 2011 for CHF 2.6 million to assist 5,000 families in nine months

  • Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 200,000 allocated to support the initial response of Philippine Red Cross.


Following swift response by the Philippine Red Cross (PRC), through this emergency appeal operation launched on its behalf by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the humanitarian situation of some 25,600 families affected by Tropical Storm Washi in December 2011 was improved through a variety of activities. Apart from the outcome for transitional shelter and early recovery grant targets that were not fully attained owing to funding limitations, the rest of outcomes outlined in the revised emergency appeal were fully achieved, and in some cases, exceeded. This intervention specifically covered three geographical locations – Bukidnon, Cagayan de Oro and Iligan City – in the island of Mindanao.

With this final report, this emergency appeal operation is formally closed, with the implementation of activities carried out as planned in line with the resources or donations obtained. Out of the appeal budget of CHF 5,705,280, the total amount obtained was CHF 4,446,280 translating to 78 per cent coverage. At the closure of the operation, the total amount spent was CHF 4,414,246, leaving a balance of CHF 32,033. The balance will be transferred to the Philippines Long-Term Planning Framework (LTPF). Partners and donors are encouraged to contact the Asia Pacific zone office within the next 30 days if they have any queries or require clarification regarding this reallocation.

Achievements at a glance

  • Some 20,000 families (approximately 100,000 people) received emergency food packages.

  • 15,000 families (approximately 75,000 people) were provided with essential non-food items (sleeping mats, blankets and jerry cans).

  • 15,000 families (approximately 75,000 people) received hygiene kits.

  • Some 25,600 families (approximately 128,000 people), including students and staff in 10 schools, were reached with health and hygiene promotion activities, which included sessions covering topics like prevention of dengue, diarrhoea and leptospirosis, proper hand washing, and good sanitation practices.

  • PRC was supported to deploy water trucks and bladders, enabling the distribution of more than 9 million litres of water to families in need.

  • Up to 24 community water points were constructed or rehabilitated in Bukidnon and Iligan City to ensure sustainable water supply pending restoration/connection of piped water supply by the authorities.

  • Water and sanitation facilities were constructed/rehabilitated for two schools – Luinab Elementary School in Iligan City and Canitoan Elementary School in Cagayan de Oro.

  • A total of 2,000 families were supported with tools, materials and guidance that enabled them to undertake repairs to their damaged homes.

  • Some 1,200 families were supported with tools, materials and guidance that enabled them to rebuild sturdier homes that are more resilient to typhoons.

  • Each family that received assistance to rebuild sturdier homes that are more resilient to typhoons was also provided with a PHP 5,000 (CHF 105) unconditional cash grant to use in replacing lost assets, starting up livelihood activities or meeting other pressing needs.

  • Supporting PRC in this intervention positioned IFRC to pursue capacity building activities in partnership with PRC to complement relief and early recovery activities. In this regard, IFRC enabled PRC to form, train and equip two search and rescue teams as well as acquire one vehicle (geared for rough terrain and flood conditions) for field operations in Northern Mindanao.

The above achievements were made possible by donations provided by different partners towards the emergency appeal. Partners who contributed to this operation are American Red Cross, British Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross/Canadian government, Danish Red Cross/Danish government, French Red Cross, Finnish Red Cross/Finnish government, Hong Kong branch of Red Cross Society of China, Irish Red Cross Society, Japanese Red Cross Society, Netherlands Red Cross/Netherlands government, New Zealand Red Cross/New Zealand government, Norwegian Red Cross, Red Cross of Monaco, Swedish Red Cross/Swedish government, and Swiss Red Cross. Generous contributions were also received from European Commission’s Directorate General of Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO), Government of Czech Republic, Government of Japan, and WHO staff Voluntary Emergency Relief Fund (VERF).

On behalf of Philippine Red Cross, IFRC would like to thank all partners and donors for their generous and invaluable contributions to this appeal.