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Philippines: Severe Tropical Storm Trami (Kristine) Humanitarian Snapshot, as of 30 October 2024


Severe Tropical Storm Trami, locally named Kristine, caused widespread flooding and landslides in Region 2 and 5 and caused flash floods and a massive landslide burying houses in Region 4A. Clean up and recovery efforts are ongoing in areas where flood waters have started to recede, and people have started to return to their houses. Rescue and response efforts are ongoing but local capacities are stretched with the government and other partners facing access issues due to flooded and damaged roads. Another storm, classified as a super typhoon, with the international name Kong-Rey, locally named Leon, entered the Philippines Area of Responsibility (PAR) on 27 October. Its forecast track of north northwestward and may come close to the Batanes Groups of Islands in northern Luzon


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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