by Venus G. Villanueva
Kalibo, Aklan (14 November) -- Families of Aklanons who died at the height of Typhoon Frank in Aklan recently received financial assistance from the Office of Civil Defense (OCD).
Based on records from the Office of the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO) here, families of four typhoon victims received P10,000 each from OCD November 10. The first batch of recipients received the financial assistance last September 30 amounting to P40,000 at P10,000 each. On the other hand, one Aklanon injured during the typhoon also got P5,000 assistance from OCD.
According to Roslyn Salazar, Social Welfare Assistant of the PSWDO here, 53 Aklanons were recorded dead by the Provincial Disaster Coordinating Council (PDCC) but only 40 submitted the required documents to the OCD.
On the other hand, out of 172 injured Aklanons, only 52 accomplished the required documents in order to be extended financial assistance.
Recipients of the financial assistance who got their checks from the OCD this week were relatives of casualties Julia Torres of Pusiw, Numancia; Marcelina M. Cabales of Marianos, Numancia, Consolacion B. Gonzales of Laguinbanua East and MC AJ A. Marcial of Poblacion, Batan.
Last September 30, relatives of casualties Consejo M. Retiro of Agcawilan Lezo, Mansueta C. Sonido of Bulwang, Numancia, Welhelmina C. Villocino of Albasan, Numancia and Libertad G. Reyes of Laguinbanua East received their financial assistance from the OCD.
The checks brought by OCD personnel to Aklan were first turned-over to Aklan Governor Carlito S. Marquez, which were in turn given to recipient families.
The PSWDO is still waiting for more families or relatives of those who perished during the typhoon to submit their needed documents for processing at the OCD, according to Salazar. (PIA)