Alert Level 4 remains hoisted over Mayon Volcano which means that a hazardous eruption is possible within days. PHIVOLCS-DOST reiterates that the Extended Danger Zone (EDZ) from the summit of eight kms at the southern sector of the volcano and seven kms at the northern sector should be free from human activity
PHIVOLCS recommends that areas just outside the EOZ should prepare for evacuation in the event that hazardous explosive eruptions intensify; and active river channels and those perennially identified as lahar-prone in the southern sector should also be avoided especially during bad weather or when there is heavy and prolonged rainfall
PHIVOLCS further recommends that civil aviation authorities advise pilots to avoid flying close to the volcano's summit as ejected ash and volcanic fragments from sudden explosions may pose hazards to aircraft
For the past 24 hours, Mayan Volcano's intense level of unrest persisted
Nine (9) ash explosions were observed during times of good visibility. The explosions produced dirty white to light gray ash columns that reached a maximum height of about 2,000 meters above the summit
A total of 38 volcanic earthquakes and 171 rock fall events related to the detachment of lava fragments at the volcano were detected by the seismic network
Red hot lava continuously flowed down along the Bonga-Buyuan, Miisi and Lidong gullies. As of 7:00 AM today, the lava front at Buyuan Channel was approximately 5.8 km from the summit crater
At Alert Level 4, mandatory evacuation of 9.946 families I 47,285 individuals staying within the 6 km radius Permanent Danger Zone (POZ) and the 6.8-km EDZ in the southern quadrant - particularly Buyuan, Mainit and Bonga areas was imposed
As of 11:00 AM, 29 December 2009, the number of evacuees remains at 10,032 fam ili es / 47,563 persons inside 29 evacuation centers (Tab A)
PDCC Albay projects the emergence of health-related problems based on prior experience and the current weather which is likely to contribute to the increasing risks for colds and other related diseases. Thus, the fear that zero-casualty goal may be compromised by health risks and the willingness of the population-at-risk to stay in the evacuation centers
PDCC Albay reported four (4) cases of conjunctivitis or sore eyes in Tabaco City