1.1. Introduction
The Philippines, being wedged in the Pacific Typhoon Belt and the volcanic “Ring of Fire”, has been exposed to an array of natural-hazards causing disasters or calamities. The great ocean and seas around the Country while providing wide opportunities for international trade and commerce and a source of marine resources, also serve as the spawning ground of hydro-meteorological hazards such as destructive typhoons, monsoon causing landslides, flashfloods and flooding. During 2012-2013, a series of destructive hydrological hazards have caused massive flooding and storm-surges which affected over four million (4,000,000) people and killed more than 10,000 people. Apart from the hydro-met. related disasters, part of the Country is also at risk to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and severe droughts. The Hazard Management Unit of the World Bank reported in 2005 that the Philippines is among the countries where large percentages of its population reside in disaster prone areas. The 2011 World Risk Report of the United Nations University and the Institute of Environment of Human Security indicated that the Philippines is the third most disaster risk country worldwide.
1.2. Objectives of the NDRP
The NDRP is the National Government‟s strategic action in providing response assistance for all natural disasters. The primary aim of the National Disaster Response Plan (NDRP) is to ensure the timely effective and coordinated response to hazard causing disasters or calamities by the National Government at all levels including its instrumentalities by providing support assistance to the affected areas or local government units. The NDRP acknowledges and supports the principles of the Local Government Code (RA 7160) wherein all LGUs are mandated to prepare and render response for all eventualities of disaster within their boundaries.
The NDRP embraces all conceivable contingencies, making use of all available resources from government, non-government, INGOs and the private sector. It promotes self-reliance and mutual-help, with the full utilization of available resources before seeking assistance from neighboring or higher entities. Since emergency response is a joint responsibility of the national and local governments, its effectiveness will depend largely on the level of preparedness done by the different levels of the local government units (Province, City and Municipality) as well as that of the field offices and attached agencies of the different national government agencies. The manner of response that will be provided by the National Government through this NDRP heavily relies on the capacities and capabilities of the different levels of the local government.