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Philippines Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Report 8, 22 March 2020



  • 150 new cases tested positive for COVID-19 and 7 additional deaths reported since 20 March 2020

  • Out of 380 confirmed cases, 38.2% are still under investigation.

  • Department of Health (DOH) stepping up its case investigation and contact tracing system with Epidemiological Surveillance Units (ESU) through online system at regional, provincial, city and municipal level.

  • Many hospitals reportedly running low on Personal Protection Equipment, causing an increasing number of health workers to self-quarantine because of exposure to suspected COVID-19 cases.

  • Many parts of the Philippines with enhanced community quarantine in place.

  • DOH preparing three hospitals in National Capital Region (NCR) dedicated for COVID-19 patients: Lung Centre, Philippine General Hospital, and Dr Jose M Rodriguez Memorial Hospital (75 beds).

  • Community quarantine measures aimed at decreasing stress on health facilities through minimizing risk of infection, potentially resulting in lower morbidity and mortality. Key focus on at-risk groups including elderly and people with underlying health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension

  • Increase in the daily testing capacity at the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) and 4 sub national laboratories in Cebu, Davao, Baguio and Manila. Laboratory assessment among additional public and private hospitals ongoing.

  • Increased cooperation among public and private partners in procurement of urgently needed supplies in view of global shortages.

  • Government finalizing National COVID-19 Contingency Plan complemented by Humanitarian Country Team Response Plan.