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Philippines: AAI Delivers Clinic in Typhoon Affected Community

AAI in partnership with the Christian Reformed World Relief Council (CRWRC), Medical Teams International (MTI), Direct Relief International (DRI) and local partners, Christian Reformed Church in the Philippines Classis of Southern Luzon (CRC-CSL) delivered their first outreach clinic for 2010. The clinic was a great success and the medical team comprised of both local and international staff provided high quality health services to a community that was severely affected by the typhoons?

The clinic was conducted in Aplaya, Pila in the Laguna district. Approximately 5 000 individuals reside in Aplaya and as a result of the flooding 300 were displaced from their homes. AAI and partners will be returning to the area to conduct a follow up clinic in the coming week.

While the Philippines has transitioned from the emergency phase to the recovery phase there remains an ongoing need to provide services to affected populations. AAI recognizes the ongoing need to train communities and build local capacities so that they are better able to respond to future disasters. The Philippines is made up of 7 107 islands and due its location, the country is vulnerable to typhoons, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and other natural disasters.