by Vency D. Bulayungan
Lagawe, Ifugao (12 December) -- 50 families from six municipalities here each received P70,000.00 worth of construction materials from the national government through the Core Shelter Assistance Program (CSAP). last December 7.
Provincial Social Welfare Officer Joyce Niwane said that the beneficiaries use the materials to construct their houses which were totally damaged by typhoon Emong.
Niwane said that the construction will be done in a bayanihan style by the beneficiaries who organized themselves. "The recipients will help each other construct their houses," she said.
Niwane added that if the beneficiaries are the ones to construct their respective houses, they will see to it that this will be strong enough to withstand typhoons. "This is the objective of the program, she said.
Out of the 50 beneficiaries, eight comes from Tinoc, 15 in Lamut, three in Lagawe, three in Hingyon, four in Hungduan and 17 in Kiangan. Typhoon Emong hit the country in May this year killing 19 residents in Kiangan, Lagawe, Hingyon, Asipulo and Aguinaldo. (PIA-Ifugao)