(Cagayan de Oro City and Iligan City)
· Through the implementation of “One-Stop Shop” (OSS) mechanism adopted by the government, the NDRRMC consolidates all international donations for Tropical Storm “Sendong” specifically in Cagayan de Oro and Iligan City
· As of 28 December 2011, the following countries and INGOs have already provided assistance though DSWD, DOH, and other INGOs partners: Switzerland, Spain, Indonesia, Brunei, Japan, Ireland, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Italy; and INGOs, European Union Civil Protection Mechanism, ADPC, UNHCR-WFP, World Bank, JICA, KOIKA, UNICEF, UNHCR-Dubai, European Union to the Philippines; and Philippine Mine Safety and Environment Association
· AUSAID provided the following assistance through the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) and Community and Family Services International (CFSI):
PhP12.70 million (AUD300,000) worth of prepositioned non-food items (sleeping mats, mosquito nets, hygiene kits and cooking sets) through PRC distributed to 5,000 families in Cagayan de Oro City, Iligan City and Bukidnon
PhP31.70 million (AUD750,000) for temporary and transitional shelter and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene)
PhP10.60 million (AUD250,000) through CFSI for psycho-social support to survivors