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NDRRMC Update: Sitrep No. 28 re Effects of Tropical Storm "Sendong" (Washi) and Status of Emergency Response Operations




(Cagayan de Oro City and Iligan City)

· Through the implementation of “One-Stop Shop” (OSS) mechanism adopted by the government, the NDRRMC consolidates all international donations for Tropical Storm “Sendong” specifically in Cagayan de Oro and Iligan City

· As of 28 December 2011, the following countries and INGOs have already provided assistance though DSWD, DOH, and other INGOs partners: Switzerland, Spain, Indonesia, Brunei, Japan, Ireland, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Italy; and INGOs, European Union Civil Protection Mechanism, ADPC, UNHCR-WFP, World Bank, JICA, KOIKA, UNICEF, UNHCR-Dubai, European Union to the Philippines; and Philippine Mine Safety and Environment Association

· AUSAID provided the following assistance through the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) and Community and Family Services International (CFSI):

  • PhP12.70 million (AUD300,000) worth of prepositioned non-food items (sleeping mats, mosquito nets, hygiene kits and cooking sets) through PRC distributed to 5,000 families in Cagayan de Oro City, Iligan City and Bukidnon

  • PhP31.70 million (AUD750,000) for temporary and transitional shelter and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene)

  • PhP10.60 million (AUD250,000) through CFSI for psycho-social support to survivors