A. Affected Population (TAB A)
A total of 435,999 families / 1,860,024 persons are affected in 2,537 barangays in Regions MIMAROPA, V, VI, VII, VIII, and CARAGA.
There are no more families / persons currently served inside and outside evacuation centers (ECs):
Source: DSWD DROMIC Report #26, 8AM 04 January 2018
Note: Changes are due to validation
B. Casualties (TAB B)
A total of forty-seven (47) persosn were reported dead in Regions MIMAROPA, V, VII, and CARAGA. Of which, fourty (40) are for Management of the Dead and Missing (MDM) Cluster's validation. The two (2) reported dead in MIMAROPA was previously reported missing.
To date, a total of forty-four (44) persons are missing (1 confirmed / 43 are still for validation):
Meanwhile, a total of seventy-eight (78) persons were injured in the Provices of Northern Samar, Eastern Samar, Samar, Leyte, and Biliran (Region VIII).