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NDRRMC Update Sitrep No. 07 re Preparedness Measures and Effects of Tropical Storm "Urduja" (Kai-Tak) as of 8:00 AM, 19 December 2017


18 December 2017

At 2:00 AM, TD "URDUJA" has passed in the vicinity of Cuyo islands and was forecasted to move towards Palawan. Sea travel is not advised over the seaboards of Palawan.

At 8:00 AM, TD "URDUJA" has made its fifth landfall over Taytay, Palawan. Maximum winds of up to 5 kph near the center and gustiness of up to 90 kph. It is forecast to move West at 18 kph. TD "URFUJA" is expected to exit PAR between tomorrow morning and afternoon. Meanwhile, the Tropical Depression outside PAR has weakened into Low Pressure Area and was estimated based on all available data at 1,630 km East of Mindanao.

At 11:00 AM, "URDUJA" has further weakened after crossing Palawan with maximum winds of up to 45 kph near the center and gustiness up to 60kph. It was forecasted to move west at 18kph.

At 11:00 PM, "URDUJA" continued to move west-southwest over the West Philippine Sea. Rains due to "URDUJA" over Palawan is expected to gradually weaken. However, TCWS No. 01 is still hoisted over Palawan. But TCWS raised elsewhere was already lifted.

19 December 2017

At 4:00 AM, TD "URDUJA" has maintained its strength as it approached the western boundary of the Phillipine Area of Responsibility. TCWS No. 01 over Palawan has been lifted.