In response to the displacements caused by the Typhoon Mangkhut (local name:
Ompong) that hit the northern Philippines on 15 September 2018, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) deployed its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) programme in Regions I, II, III and the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR). The objective of the DTM is to collect information on the locations and needs of the population displaced by the Typhoon and to provide key information to support humanitarian assistance to the most affected populations.
This report provides the main fndings of the DTM assessments that were conducted in Region 3 and CAR from 26-27 September 2018. The assessments were conducted by feld teams composed of IOM staff in coordination with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and relevant local government counterparts. The DTM teams collected information through key informant interviews at the municipality level and site visits. This information complements existing data and reports shared by DSWD on displacement.
The DTM teams collected information on 12 evacuation centers and 6 barangays with home-based sites through key informant interviews.
According to the information collected in the feld, evacuation sites are rapidly being closed as internally displaced persons (IDPs) choose to relocate to home-based sites for more comfortable arrangements. This does raise the question of how sustainable home-based sites are, and rental subsidies and transitional or permanent housing for IDPs are potential shelter options to explore in the future that could be long-term durable solutions.
In Itogon, Benguet, only 7 evacuation centers remain open with 295 persons (98 families), while home-based sites in 6 barangays shelter 2,502 persons (577 families). In Region 3, home-based sites cannot be determined due to a lack of displacement tracking mechanisms.
Aside from the fact that most IDPs’ homes have been damaged due to landslides and foods (particularly in Ucab, Itogon, where homes have been wiped out by two-story-high mudslides), the government has identifed many of the IDPs’ places of origin and other nearby areas as danger zones and has since restricted their return for their safety.
With evacuation centers closing sooner than expected, and families moving to home-based sites, the situation calls for more permanent and sustainable solutions for IDPs.