This Situation Report covers operational updates in countries where the Protection Cluster/Sector is active.
I- Emerging Trends: Protection risks
Protection space is being reduced. Protection risks are on the rise. Persons of concern face barriers in accessing services. Humanitarian actors face obstacles in delivering services. Together, these are worrying trends.
Over 7000 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded in our operations bringing the total number to 11967 and 492 deaths. Most operations suspect underreporting due to: (i) weak reporting systems, (ii) governments deliberate control of figures, (iii) lack of testing facilities as well as testing costs, and (iv) growing stigma associated with COVID-19 in some communities.
The interplay between conflict and COVID-19, remains a major area of concern. Protection space is diminishing. In several operations, such as Yemen, Libya, Colombia, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria and Lake Chad Basin, armed groups are taking advantage of COVID-19 and scaling up attacks, forcing people to flee and critically reducing humanitarian access. Several operations are reporting fear that temporary measures to respond to the virus are being, or could be, used to restrict humanitarian access and reduce basic “droit de regard”. Restrictions on freedom of movement is another key challenge. Forced return and movement of people is reported in several operations while at the same time, limitations on or discriminatory freedom of movement remain a major concern for people living in internal displacement camps and sites. Attacks on sites have been reported in Nigeria and Burundi as well as heightened tensions and attacks on IDP returnees in Afghanistan, Yemen and Cameroon.
Social exclusion, discrimination and lack of access: Limited and discriminatory access to services, including health, is reported across several operations, as well as stigmatization of people and communities accused of carrying the virus. Psychological distress, arbitrary and/or limited access to protection services and/or humanitarian assistance are other trends. In Iraq and Libya many displaced people are unable to access basic services, due to lack of documentation. In Burkina Faso there is a heightened risk of discrimination against IDPs. In Nigeria, IDP locations and camps have been attacked, due allegedly, to COVID-19 rumors. Lack of confidentiality is reported in Burundi, where photographs of some persons of concern participating in a COVID-19 screening were published in social media, leading to further stigmatization. The cluster in Ethiopia reported that due to closure of regional boundaries, IDPs risk exclusion from health services. Older people and persons with disability are reported to be at major risk of discrimination, experiencing the impact of rapidly reducing services to support them. Death management is reported in some operations to be a source of inter-communal tensions.
Physical and sexual violence: There continues to be a heightened risk of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). Many operations reported that women and children continue to face risks of physical and domestic violence due to lockdowns and curfews. The number of domestic violence cases has been on the increase in Iraq. In Haiti, there has been attempted lynching of individuals who were suspected of being tested for COVID-19. Other operations including Burkina Faso, Niger and Colombia also reported an increased risk of GBV. Boys, girls, young women and men are reported as being more exposed to violence, sale, trafficking, sexual abuse and exploitation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Confinement measures and the disrupted provision of often limited child protection services exacerbate the vulnerability of children living in psychiatric and social care institutions, orphanages and other closed facilities.
Impact on service delivery: Curfews, lockdowns and other measures are substantially reducing service delivery in most operations. While efforts are being made to adapt programmes to the new reality, major obstacles are still evident in terms of monitoring, case management, alternative care and referral pathways. Applying basic COVID-19 precautions in internal displacement camps and sites is proving very challenging due to overcrowding, makeshift shelters, lack of adequate health, water, sanitation and difficulty in implementing physical distancing.
Moreover, management of isolation and shielding centers, in line with the health and shelter guidelines, is proving to be a major challenge in many operations. One challenge is how to avoid stigmatization and discrimination affecting those being tested or admitted to the centers. The risk of children being separated from their parents in relation to isolation processes was noted in Cameroon, Burundi, and Iraq.